WMOS 2024
“Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.”
-Romans 12:2
Mallory Smyth
Jeni McBride
2024- Witness Speaker | Jeni McBride
Jeni McBride was the Witness Speaker at Women's Morning of Spirituality in the Diocese of Memphis on April 13, 2024. She met her husband Steve at Sunday Mass at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart on the campus of the University of Notre Dame! They have been married for...
2024 Keynote Speaker | Mallory Smyth
Mallory Smyth was the Keynote Speaker at Women's Morning of Spirituality in the Diocese of Memphis on April 13, 2024. She is the author of the book “Rekindled” and a content creator for Walking with Purpose. Before that, she worked in youth ministry, spent 5 years as...