Megan Rogers attends St. Theresa Little Flower in Memphis and works as a receptionist at St. Louis Church. With an ever-increasing commitment to the Truth and love for the teachings of Holy Mother Church, she came into full communion with the Church Easter 2019, holding the words of Father John Hardon close to her heart: “Our duty as Catholics is to know the Truth, to live the Truth, to defend the Truth, to share the Truth with others, and to suffer for the Truth.” She was recently accepted to Franciscan University of Steubenville’s graduate program for a Master of Arts in Theology and plans to start later this year. Check out her blog, Resting in His Sufficient Grace, where she shares the unique story of her heavenly friendship with Francis Cardinal George:
Talk Title: “Everything Beautiful in Its Time”
Description: A personal unfolding of the grace of God in my life, leading me home to the Catholic Church. Through joy and suffering, God was beckoning me to Himself from the time I was a little girl. In every twist and turn, He has remained faithful. This is the story.